Updates from the Shelves

I'm using this picture of flowers as a reminder that they do bloom here. The temperature is finally rising and I'm excited about it. I actually wanted to skip down the street with my arms in the air, singing good day sunshine. Although once the snow melts and things stop blooming my allergies will be back with a vengeance. Sometimes you just can't win ha ha.

It's been a weird week. A co-worker of mine passed away unexpectedly last Sunday. He was young, which is both sad and scary. We worked in the same department but I didn't know him as well. I know that he was hardworking, quiet and seemed to always be chuckling at the silly things we tend to say.

I've also been reading slower than normal. I've been falling asleep at night early. Argh darn sleep always gets in the way of my reading. How dare you!

Book Reviews this week;

Other Things