Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Before I get into books I wanted to share some really cool and funny Valentines with you. Since it is the season and all. I'm guessing these are not the ones I should be sending my pre-schooler to school with however. These fun Valentines were created by Yenniper. If you check out her page she also has some Harry Potter Valentines too. I can tell you my husband is going to be getting on of these in his work email....
So let the Valentine's Day Games Begin! (yay I'm cheesy)
On to other things. There is supposed to be big news about Divergent Book #3 tomorrow (Monday) and I think in my head...Finally! I've actually held off on book 2 since I know there is a cliffhanger. There was actually extra casting for the movie on Saturday as well and for some reason I couldn't muster up the energy to drive 45 minutes and go.
I did pick up some books this week, or I should say ordered from Amazon and BN.com (which I'm sure is why stores are closing). I'm going to a book signing event on Wednesday and I'm really going to see Jennifer Rush because I enjoyed her debut Altered. The other authors that are going to be there are Julie Cross and Erica O'Rouke and it's not that I haven't wanted to read their books, they are just low on my TBR so I picked up the first book in their series to have signed. I'm probably going to read and love the books and wish that I had gotten all the books to have signed but those are the breaks sometimes. I've got to save my pennies for RT. So I bought Torn and Tempest. They were actually both bargain books on Amazon so I guess that worked out for me.
The other book I picked up was The Archived, people seem to be really excited about it and it sounded good to me.
I'm kind of in Sci-Fi reading phase right now. I can't seem to get enough of it. I even picked up a Dr. Who magnet when I was at Books-a-Million, which I didn't even realize that's what the store is. The space they are in is an old Walden bookstore (do people even remember Waldens) and I kept thinking, what kind of name is BAM for a bookstore. So this is my magnet.
The Blog has been slow this week. I did have a cover reveal. You can enter to win a 200 dollar giveaway.
Cover Reveal: Volition by Lee Strauss