So it's true Feature and Follow hosted by Parajunke.com and Alisoncanread.com is now 100!! So in celebration of that I am part of the Feature and Follow Giveaway Hop! So not only am I featuring my own blogger, I also have a giveaway!
My Feature;

I can tell you the reason I choose the
Slush Sleuth is because I really like Kelsey's writing style on her blog. I find her to be witty, funny and always interesting. Perfect blogger material!
1. When did you start blogging?
I posted a couple of reviews sometime last year and sort of abandoned them to die lonely deaths (sorry!), but was drawn back in recently. So, I'd say Slush Sleuth is really only about a month old. It's time consuming work, but well worth it (as I'm sure any blogger reading this already knows!)
2. What is your favorite part of book blogging?
I think other forms of art tend to be very social affairs (theatre, television, music, etc), but books are far more individual. They're simultaneously extremely isolating and freeing because no one can get in the middle of that experience you're having. So while I love this about books, I'm also super chatty and social (yep... I'm that girl who is constantly bugging my flatmates and trolling about for attention and love). Book blogging lets me have both of those things. "You get the best of both worlds la la lalaa..."
3. What is your favorite book(s)?
WHAT. I refuse to answer this question. No, I SMOTE this question. There's no such thing as a favorite book, just like there isn't such a thing as a favorite child (but if there was, my parents totally would love me best... just kidding, sis!)
How's About This---
If You like to Swoon: the Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand
If You Like to Cry: the If I Stay series by Gayle Foreman
If You Like to Squee: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Annndd a Book that you Probably Haven't Read, but SHOULD: A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan
4. What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?
Ummm, I don't know, I'm being FEATURED (give a great "Holla!" at Jen everybody!) And there's the books. Plus, I think writing the blog helped me secure a job (true story).
But really, the best part is just the daily interactions. I get all teary eyed and happy when someone takes the time to leave a thoughtful comment on a post (for some reason it never ceased to amaze me that they read all the way to the bottom!) Or chit chatting with fabulous author-folk. I had a someone whose blog I've been reading since I was a wee lassie stop by and compliment Slush Sleuth this week (I flailed around in a happy dance for at least 10 minutes after that). I've only been at this mere weeks, and yet I feel so supported and loved. Like I'm floating around, warm and blissful in the YA Blogging Womb (Hmmm... I'm not sure how I feel about that metaphor.)
And for those of you who read through all that and made it to this line, I'm looking at YOU; you make me want to keep doing this, so thanks! *high fives all around*
So now it's time for the
Being this is the Library of the Book Witch, I felt I needed to give away something witchy. Unfortunately the giveaway is
only US because I have to ship the book myself and I'm not sure how much Int. shipping is. Sorry!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Make sure to visit the other blogs participating in the Hop!!