Poet Anderson...Of Nightmares follows the epic journey of two orphan brothers, Jonas and Alan, who are Lucid Dreamers. After a tragic car accident lands Alan in a coma, Jonas sets out into the Dream World in an attempt to find his brother and wake him up. What he discovers instead is an entire shared consciousness where fear comes to life as a snarling beast called a Night Terror, and a creature named REM is bent on destruction and misery, devouring the souls of the strongest dreamers to get closer to the Waking World. With the help of a Dream Walker—a guardian of the dreamscape, Jonas must face his fears, save his brother, and become who he was always meant to be: Poet Anderson.
So Poet Anderson...of Nightmares is not necessarily a book I would immediately pick up...but it should be. This was such a cool story and well written plot. This book is different and definitely worth the read. I love Suzanne Young’s writing and so that shouldn’t be a surprise for me and of course Tom DeLonge. It’s like a power team.
I love anything that involves dreams and the possibility of controlling your dreams. I’m a vivid dreamer myself and even read in my dreams. So this book made me even more intrigued. Like not only is it cool but it made want to pull out dream studies and do some research. I love any book that can trigger that in me.
The world building is fantastic. You have these different types of dreamers. You have the lucid dreamers, the dreamwalkers and the poets. They all have these different levels of how they can manipulate and control dreams. This concept of the poets leading lost dreamers to a safe place is so cool. I just loved it. It kept me turning the pages because I had to know more, I was completely absorbed.
I loved Jonas as the main character. I find that I don’t often read male leads anymore and this book made me realize how sad that is. Jonas is not only a fun character to read but he also has some great character development. He is very family oriented but we meet him at a spot where he is having to stand on his own two feet. It’s not bad that his brother and him did everything together but I liked going through the motions of becoming his own person with him.
The side characters are great. I don’t even want to talk about them because I don’t want to give anything away.
So basically this is that book that I’m telling you to check out and read. You’ll be awed by it’s awesomeness and really great creative plot. Don’t let the cover scare you...okay so the cover totally freaks me out when I look at it and when you read…..well just read it.
Tom DeLonge is an award-winning American musician, producer and director best known as the lead vocalist, guitarist and songwriter for the platinum selling rock bands Blink-182 and Angels & Airwaves. His home is San Diego, where he focuses on creating entertainment properties that bridge music, narrative and film through his multimedia company To The Stars. For the full experience of Tom’s work, visit www.tothestars.media.
Suzanne Young is the New York Times bestselling author of The Program series. Originally from Utica, New York, Suzanne moved to Arizona to pursue her dream of not freezing to death. She is a novelist and an English teacher, but not always in that order. Suzanne is the author of THE PROGRAM, THE TREATMENT, THE REMEDY, and HOTEL RUBY.
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