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Played (Hooked #2)
by Liz Fichera
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: May 27th 2014
This Game Is Getting All Too Real
He said: I like to keep under the radar and mostly hang out with my friends from the rez. But when I saved Riley Berenger from falling off a mountain, that rich suburban princess decided to try to save me.
She said: If I can help Sam Tracy win the heart of the girl he can't get over, I'll pay him back for helping me. I promised him I would, no matter what it takes.

This book had so many elements that I loved. It also managed to fit a bunch of them together without making it seemed weird or too fast. I had just been telling my husband (who was watching Can’t Buy Me Love at the time) that I love plots like this one. The story is fun a quirky. I love Riley and Sam’s interactions. I also enjoy the friendships that Sam has on the Rez. I’m not really sure how I feel about Riley’s friendship.
I like that there is a little bit about connecting with your family in here. Riley and Sam both have a hard time communicating to their parents and for Riley her sibling (Sam has a sister but his relationship seems fine.) Through the mistakes that are made they kind of see their parents in a new light.
I loved Sam. He’s a Native American that lives on the Reservation. His parents working at the casino. Although Sam is often judged by the fact he’s from the Rez and is really bothered by this. He can be judgmental himself at times. Especially the Berengers but he has other reasons to dislike them. Riley being one of them he is mean to her right out of the gate. Making assumptions about who she is. I liked Sam because his approach to things. He’s kind of a quiet stand offish guy but he let’s Riley drag him around but still bickers with her. I think sometimes he himself doesn’t understand why. I like how he can be really calm in a situation assessing the whole thing before acting. You have to really push him before he loses it.
Riley is a touch character in that she has that personality where she has always felt pressure to be perfect. With perfect grades does not come perfect social life, she is kind of an outsider. Looking and observing people. Drawing is her pastime (which is only lightly touched on). She tries to break out of her mold and this is where her character can get complicated because she starts doing reckless things and becoming a bit gullible. She thinks she is helping one person but doesn't realize that it may have consequences to others. Luckily she does come out of dreamworld at some point.
This book actually originally caught my eye because of it’s cover. Then I read the synopsis and decided to go for it. Now after reading it I can’t decide if I like it. I understand the playing field makes sense with the title but I kind of wish there was more desert or native american feel to it. Maybe include a dream basket. Now I really want a dream basket.
I really enjoyed this book, and I thought it was a fun read. Once I started I found myself addicted to the fun relationship between Sam and Riley. Wondering how long it might take for them to get together and how Riley’s mission would go. I think it’s a good book to add to your summer reading list.
Ashley Benson
I figure she can pull off a couple pink streaks in her hair. Also I feel like she can pull off the talking a mile a minute too.
Alex Meraz
I guess I would have to say a younger version of Alex. I had a hard time finding someone for Sam because I had such a distinct image for him in my head.
I'm an American author living in the American Southwest by way of Chicago. Born and raised in Park Ridge, Illinois, I moved to Phoenix, Arizona, after college, never expecting to live more than one year among cactus and people who’d never seen snow. I was wrong. It certainly didn't hurt that I met my future husband in Phoenix too.
Most of my stories are set in the American Southwest because I think the desert is a cool place. Living in Phoenix, I'm surrounded by Native American culture and influences, not to mention intriguing Hohokam petroglyphs and centuries-old canals. There are over 20 tribes in Arizona and I'm lucky to be neighbors to the Gila River and the Salt River Indian Communities.
When I'm not busy writing my next novel, I like to travel, visit museums, support local theater productions, hike, and pretend that I'm training for a triathlon. I post a lot of photos from my desert and mountain hikes on my Facebook and Twitter pages. In no particular order, I've been chased by javalinas, rattlesnakes, coyotes, and even one curious black bear.