Armchair BEA: Non-Fiction Books

Today's topic is talking about Non-Fiction books. Let me tell you that I actually used to absolutely love non-fiction books. I have read a large amount of history related subjects, especially anything that has to do with women rulers. 
I have also come to realize that Non-Fiction reads make great chasers for Fiction reads. I remember reading a book about the Salem Witch Trials by Ann Rinaldi in probably middle school. I became so interested in the actual subject material I found myself picking up Non-Fiction reads about the events, I even visited Salem itself (I was lucky to have a dad who travels for work all the time). I still do this often but a lot of my research has turned to the internet. Reading something like the Die For Me series has made me interested in Paris and because I'm a history buff it will no doubt lead me to not just reading a travel guide but things about their history. Dracula is another good example as to read things about who was considered the real life vampire, Vlad the Impaler. You will often find that a non-fiction reads quite a bit like a Fiction book. Think about it, a lot of Fiction books are based off real life experiences.
What are some of your favorite Non-Fiction reads? Do you read Non-Fiction?